Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Who Is Jesus?: Knowing Christ through His 'I Am' Sayings by John V. Fesko

Who Is Jesus?: Knowing Christ through His 'I Am' Sayings by John V. Fesko

Who Is Jesus?: Knowing Christ through His 'I Am' Sayings

Who Is Jesus?: Knowing Christ through His 'I Am' Sayings by John V. Fesko PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Who is Jesus? Is He God, as the church has claimed for nearly two thousand years? Or is He just a good man? J. V. Fesko takes a close look at Jesus's 'I am' claims in the gospel of John and guides us to a better understanding of who Jesus is. Jesus, the author says, conducted His ministry clothed in His 'coat of Old Testament colors' made, in God's providence, of the promises, prophecies, themes, and ideas that foretold of the Messiah. Jesus's claims of deity reveal that He is the great I AM, the name God revealed to Moses at the burning bush. In this book with study questions, suitable for individual or group study, Fesko views the 'I am' sayings of Jesus through the perspective of the Old Testament, and we come to see Him in His biblical glory as God in the flesh, who dwelled among men to seek and to save those who were lost.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: Son of God, or Merely Man?
1. Jesus, the Great I AM
2. The Bread of Life
3. The Light of the World
4. The Door and the Good Shepherd
5. The Resurrection and the Life
6. The Way, the Truth, and the Life
7. The True Vine
8. Conclusion: God in the Flesh

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